Register With Us

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We value your input and encourage you to register with us to stay connected! Please use the registration link below to create an account and stay involved. A link to register is also provided on each page of this site.

You will become part of our email list and receive email notifications regarding future meetings or engagement opportunities. The information you provide here will not be shared with third-parties and is only for use related to this project.

Thank you for your participation and interest in the Bronzeville Corridor Streetscape Improvement Project!

We value your input and encourage you to register with us to stay connected! Please use the registration link below to create an account and stay involved. A link to register is also provided on each page of this site.

You will become part of our email list and receive email notifications regarding future meetings or engagement opportunities. The information you provide here will not be shared with third-parties and is only for use related to this project.

Thank you for your participation and interest in the Bronzeville Corridor Streetscape Improvement Project!

Page last updated: 08 Feb 2024, 12:15 PM